Have you ever seen a small business on Instagram that made success look easy?

Maybe you've wondered,
"How do other professionals keep their appointment books full? What do they know that I don't?"

Before you give up and throw in the towel...

✨ What if I told you there is an easier way to market yourself online and offline, that attracts new clients, which results in making MORE money in your business?

The Answer:


Develop and execute your own unique marketing strategy in an easy step by step process

Do you dream of...

➡️ Never having to worry about income because you have a consistently booked schedule with amazing clients and a ton of product sales each month?

➡️ Moving your followers OFF social media and onto your appointment books so you can bring in the BIG $$$?

➡️ Attracting more clients that replenish your energy instead of taking it out of you?

It is 100% possible for you to achieve all of your dreams and desires for your business...

❌ WITHOUT paying for ads

❌ WITHOUT feeling confused and frustrated trying to figure it out on your own

❌ WITHOUT having to spend all day on social media

Hi! I'm Jen 🤎

I am a licensed Cosmetologist of 14 years, former MUA & hairstylist, a 2x certified spray tan artist, small business owner and beauty marketing & business coach!

In the last several years I went from...

Seeing a handful of clients every month, still stuck in a 9 to 5 job I hated, living paycheck to paycheck and utterly exhausted.


Ditching that 9 to 5 job, keeping my books full of loyal, dream clients, making my own schedule and generating $5k monthly revenue in my little sunless business!

✨ Now... I have turned my entire step by step strategies into a do-it-yourself course... because nothing lights me up more than working with aligned service professionals and seeing their breakthroughs in business

What would happen if you took the leap and committed 100% to yourself and your business??

Just think...

💸 This could be your BIGGEST financial year in business yet...

This course is closed for enrollment.

Look, I get it!

Investing in yourself is scary!

Maybe you are thinking...
"I don't have the money..." or "I don't have the time..."
If you always
"don't have the money"
"don't have the time"

You will always be in a place where you...
Never have the money
Never have the time

Upon enrollment, you'll have immediate access to all course content & bonuses 🔥

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